[AM] No sin mi kimono! - Part II

◊ ——————— Download ——————— ◊

Solid Colors SFSDropbox | OneDrive |
Printed Designs SFS | Dropbox | OneDrive |
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◊ ——————— Credits ——————— ◊

Mesh by momo - download (you need it!) New link added

(Click link > Click Free Access with Ads > Click Skip > Download)

Updated links 28/05/2023

Thank you for supporting me through the link shortener. Patreon is more inaccessible for many people so I personally prefer this system, even if it's worse for me

5 comentarios:

  1. Hi! The link for the mesh isn't working :(

    1. Hello! Please check the "credits" section to download the mesh :)

  2. hello there! can you please help me with the link for the mesh?

    1. Hi! I've added the direct link to the download from momo's SFS (credits section under my download). You can click on "momo" to visit their website (their content is great!) or directly on "download" to get the mesh.

  3. Hi i like your mod but all the link direct to linkvertise are horrible. You can't download anything because they block you until 1 hour just to acccess the download file. That's when you clicked one of the ads. If you try to skip them all, It's just an infinite loop of ads skip. Pls can you make the download link better


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