domingo, 20 de agosto de 2017

[YEW] La vida junto al suelo - Part I

◊ ——————— Credits  ——————— ◊

Two seat cushion  mesh by suiminntyuu-sims ORIGINAL NO LONGER AVAILABLE 
but you can Download Mirror (thanks to Pokemoe25)

◊ ——————— Downloads  ——————— ◊

Updated 20/12/2020
Improvement of normal and specular map
Testing with version

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(Click link > Click Free Access with Ads > Click Skip > Download)

Updated links 28/05/2023

Thank you for supporting me through the link shortener. Patreon is more inaccessible for many people so I personally prefer this system, even if it's worse for me


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Warning: The following publication is very long 😶
Click on the pics to preview all swatches

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10 comentarios:

  1. You made my life 50% more enjoyable!! THANK YOU !!! <3

  2. Primeiramente obrigada por compartilhar suas criações, são incriveis, eu preciso das mesh de Almofada - Malha por suiminntyuu-sims VOCÊ PRECISA-O


    a pagina não esta mais funcionando, então não tenho como fazer download da mesh, poderia disponibilizar por favor, grata

  3. The link for the cushion dining chair (Cushion - Mesh by suiminntyuu-sims) is broken in this post and the [YEW] La Vida Junto Al Suelo - Part II post.
    Do you have an updated link?

  4. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  5. Here is mesh for cushions <3 If anybody still wants them

  6. Wow, many thanks mate! I'll add it to the post.

  7. This is just AMAZING the Biggest thank to you!!

  8. I am having issues with the floor cushions, the three seat ones. And the floor sofas, they vanish whenever I place them in the house. Is there fix ? I am missing something?

    1. Hi! Thank you for your comment.
      Did you download the file arranged for Cats & Dogs? The download is on the last line starting with a red "fix".
      If I remember, the problem of beds and sofas vanishing came with the Cats & Dogs patch, let me know if that was the problem. I'm running sims 4 eco + all dlcs and everything seems to work fine.

  9. Hello, I want to acquire personalized content but the links all lead me to "404 error" pages, is this normal? I thank you in advance. :-)
