[YEW] No sin mi Kimono! - Part VI

◊ ——————— Old pics——————— ◊
Click to zoom in

◊ ——————— Credits  ——————— ◊

Original mesh by kk404
SimpleStudio404 site down, mesh here
 I don't know what happened to them, I love their creations and this saddens me :(
Mesh conversion by me

◊ ——————— Downloads  ——————— ◊

Solid Colors | Dropbox | OneDrive |
Mix Colors | Dropbox | OneDrive |
Printed Designs | Dropbox | OneDrive |

(Click link > Click Free Access with Ads > Click Skip > Download)

Updated links 28/05/2023

Thank you for supporting me through the link shortener. Patreon is more inaccessible for many people so I personally prefer this system, even if it's worse for me

5 comentarios:

  1. mesh link is broken, can you help pls?

    1. Hello!
      I added the link to the original mesh (kimono mesh for adults). The children's mesh is my own conversion.

  2. Beautiful and yet completely pointless when the mesh link doesn't work.

    1. Hello!
      I added the link to the original mesh (kimono mesh for adults). The children's mesh is my own conversion.

  3. links lead to some kind of fiaharam ...


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